The Interior Collection ¦ Made to Order
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From time immemorial, the islanders of the Outer Hebrides of Scotland have woven a beautiful and intricate cloth the world knows simply as Harris Tweed.

From royalty to Hollywood icons and the finest designers of couture, this humble cloth became a wardrobe staple, a must-have item for discerning customers across the globe. 

Checks, Herringbones and Plain Twills. A true and timeless classic textile that should become a living room staple during the winter times…

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Unique cushions made of the exclusive handwoven Harris Tweed.


It scaled the Everest and graced the Silver Screen, sailed the Seven Seas and showed off on red carpets and catwalks.


A true and timeless classic textile that should become a living room staple during the winter times…

A Touch of Scotland

A Touch of Scotland


The long, barren archipelago on the far northwest tip of Europe is home to every weaver, dyer, blender, carder, spinner, warper, finisher and inspector of Harris Tweed cloth. No part of the process takes place elsewhere.


As such, the land and people are woven into the very fabric of the cloth, reflecting as it does the colours of the landscapes, the beauty of their vistas and their values.

Photograph taken by Lewis Mackenzie. Harris Tweed Authority © (14)-min.jpg


Harris Tweed cloth is the only cloth produced in commercial quantities by truly traditional and complex manual methods.


Unusually, the uncombed wool is dyed into 46 basic colors before being spun, and up to eight colors to be blended into the yarn.


The resulting color gradations and mottled yarns let a connoisseur immediately distinguish Harris Tweed from other tweed fabrics.

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Photograph Taken by Janet Miles. Harris Tweed Authority ©(14).jpg
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